Human Trafficking is a terrifying plague fueled by a very dark evil.  Finding Freedom International is a Christian organization that is fighting back by going directly to the darkest shadows and bolstering the safe houses and caregivers that are taking care of the young victims who are sometimes no older than 10 years of age.  Terry LaDow & Tera Schatsky have developed a year long training program that is making a big difference in the lives of these victims.  Here is their story.


Finding Freedom Int’l works with organizations that set-up safe houses for the victims of human trafficking.

Terry & Tera are Christians who share their story and train caregivers so that they can do better in their jobs.

The training program is a year long so that they can be certain that the material is understood and implemented.

The girls that are victimized typically work 6 days a week and only keep enough money to survive and continue working.  They stay because for many complicated reasons, they believe they have no choice.  

The key to creating a powerful safehouse is to explain to the girls what their current belief system is and then help them change it to a more positive one with limitless possibilities.

Finding Freedom International only puts their time and resources where they can be most effective which is why they work exclusively with safe houses that are well established.

When a house is truly safe, children will feel safe enough to act out and the caregivers need to know how to handle this as well.

It is more common to find women that are victims are human trafficking because it is more acceptable to traffic girls than boys, but there are male children being victimized as well.

Many times women are brought into the safe houses through drug busts and they are allowed to stay until they are truly self sufficient.  Even after they leave they have access to mentorship for life.

The girls in the house are home schooled to protect them from people looking to re-enslave them.

Many times enslavement starts with gang rape at 10 to 12 years old.  They become broken and then forced to work in the sex trade from that point on.

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