Sometimes the most difficult thing to do is to ask Jesus into our lives.  As human beings we tell ourselves all sorts of things like, “I don’t need Jesus” or “There’s nothing he can do that I can’t do myself”.  Do you recognize the trainwreck that’s coming?  In this episode Robert Trommler discussed his weakness with controlled substances and women early in his life and the role that Jesus played once he gave up his ego and asked him into his life.


Verse:   “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers” - Romans 8:38


Biggest Weakness - Being willful and too analytical.  Robert can back himself into a corner thinking he has control.

Biggest Strength - Gift of compassion and empathy.  Robert has an ability to see life from someone else’s perspective.

Dark Time - Robert had a time in his 20’s and 30’s where he was involved with controlled substances and women, partying way too hard.  

Father was a Deacon who was German and strict.  Robert was not taught the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ as a child and therefore did not have a relationship with him.

Robert met his wife Renee right before he found the Lord.  He was certain she was the one and smart enough not to jeopardize that.

Robert had to learn how to be monogamous at 40 years old.

Robert knew who Jesus was, but wouldn’t surrender to him because he didn’t understand how good it would be.

A-ha moment - Walking on the beach in Corona Del Mar and was so tired of trying to hold it all together that Robert broke down and cried.  He had a spiritual and financial crash after 18 years of his party lifestyle.  It was time to let Jesus in.

God’s Man of Influence - To be a listener particularly with today’s pace.  We don’t take the time to be present with other people.

Robert is a member of Mariner’s Church in Irvine.

Baptized at age 50 in 2004.

Best Advice - Wait on the Lord and pray.

Favorite Charity - Mighty Oaks Warriors

[email protected] 714-859-9555