Matt Hanson is married with 3 children and has a deep desire to use the skills that the Lord has given him to lead and influence people.  Although he’s known struggle, in this episode he talks about gratitude and allowing faith to influence every moment of your day.

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God” - Peter 4:10

Biggest Weakness - Trusting God.  Matt considers himself a doer who looks for a formula rather than having haith.

Biggest Strength - Matt can imagine a dozen ways to solve a problem or find a way to succeed.

Dark Time - Nothing extreme, but most defining moment was a business divorce.  He was very excited about an opportunity that his wife knew was wrong.  Now he discusses everything with her and trusts her intuition.

Embracing the Lord - there was no real obstacle for Matt because the Lord always made sense to him and he thought it would be wise to try and understand how his creator designed him to live.

A Person of Inspiration - Tony Campolo and Millard Fuller.  Also the people of Convene, a Christian CEO group.

How has God changed Your life? - Recognition that God has given Matt a gift to offer of leadership and influence.

Advice - Surround yourself with good, bible literate people and find the 5 or 6 verses of scripture that our God’s promises that speak to you and marinate in them.

Advice Given - Show up on time, be truthful and don’t be attached to the outcome.

Recommended Book - “Celebration of Discipline” by Richard Foster.

Recommended Charity - Matt is the founding president of Habitat for Humanity (harbor area/long beach/greater LA. Also, World help-international

email & phone: [email protected] - 714-740-1111

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