Philosopher and theologianKennethRichard Samples has a great passion to help people understandthe reasonableness and relevance of Christianity’s truth claims. Heis the senior research scholar at Reasons to Believe and the author ofseveral books, including Christian Endgame and 7Truths That Changed the World.

Kenneth lost his brother tosuicide at a young age, which certainly reshaped his childhood, buthe believes that there was good that came from it. It was at thisdark time that he began to ask more spiritual questions that helpedhim become the Christian man that he is today.

Kenneth is our second guest fromReasons to Believe, which educates people on the marriage betweenscience and Christianity. Kenneth encourages believers to develop alogically defensible faith and challenges skeptics to engageChristianity at a philosophical worldview level.


“And we know that in all thingsGod works for the good of those who love him, who havebeen called according to his purpose.”

Romans 8:28

Recommended Book:

Without a Doubt – Kenneth Samples

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