James Knight is a full time staff member at City on a Hill church, Certified Peer Support Specialist, a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor Student and a devoted father and husband.  As a child, James made bad decisions forcing his parents to leave their church out of shame.  His biggest weakness is being judgemental as a Christian without knowing a person’s life story.  This frames many of his discussions as he mentors other Christians.  James teaches that there is good in everyone, but you must look to find it.

After 30 years of bad choices, James looks back and reveals that at 12 he experimented with pot and alcohol, at 18 he shot up meth amphetamines and he spent the next 20 years pursuing a life of crime, sex and debauchery.  Among many other things James began manufacturing different drugs for consumption.  This is his testimony


“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” - Proverbs 22:6

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