God Is Love Ministries: “Sharing (or giving) a testimony” in is telling someone else about your relationship with God.
In Acts 13:15 Paul tells us, “If you have a message of encouragement for the people, please speak.” When the opportunity arises for you to talk to someone about your faith, “please speak.”

Some people have an easier time than others speaking about their faith journeys. If you find sharing comes easy for you, do so freely. You will find many times to speak a word of encouragement to others.

Don’t be embarrassed or apologetic if this is difficult for you. This is an opportunity to share your story – one you are familiar with.

Think of a time in your life (and there will be many) that you felt helpless or alone and God came and filled the gap in your life. Look for ways to share that in conversation. If a friend laments about a problem similar to one you faced, empathize, then tell how God helped you find a solution. Finding that connecting point opens the door for your testimony to be received.

2 Corinthians 3:3 says, “You are a letter from Christ…written not with ink but with the Spirit of the Living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.”
Even if you never say a word or write a note, you are sharing your testimony by what you do and the way you live. People are watching you as you navigate each day. They see how you respond to difficulty and adversity, and that speaks loudly all who are observing what you do.

Presenter: Anthony Kun

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