open your heart to everyone and love them unconditionally. But Kamran challenges this notion and explores the idea that love is not something that can be forced or manufactured. He reflects on his own experiences of love, particularly towards his family and friends, and acknowledges that love is often reciprocated and built on mutual affection.

However, Kamran also grapples with the commandment of Jesus to love our enemies. He admits his struggle to truly love those who do not love him back or who have hurt him in some way. He recognizes that it is not enough to simply act kindly towards them or pretend to love them. Instead, Kamran believes that love must come from a genuine place within our hearts.

He shares his understanding of how love can be cultivated in our hearts, drawing from his own relationship with God. Kamran describes how God has continually asked him to give his heart fully and completely, allowing God to fill it with love. He sees this as an ongoing process, where we constantly surrender more of our hearts to God and receive more of God's heart in return.

Through this podcast episode, Kamran invites listeners to examine their own hearts and consider how they can open themselves up to love more deeply. He encourages them to let go of any preconceived notions or limitations on who they can love and instead embrace the idea that love is an endless well that can always expand to include more people. Ultimately, Kamran suggests that by continually giving their hearts to God and receiving more of God's heart, listeners can experience a fuller and more authentic love for others, including their enemies.

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