What's up you amazing woman of God! my name is Heather Dollar and welcome to the introductory episode!

I was inspired to start this podcast when the Lord opened my eyes to the hustle & pressure that came from running my business on social media. I truly believed their had to be a better way. After spending the past 4 years digging heavily into the world of marketing and building a 6-figure business that does not rely on social media- I decided to create this

My goal is to help change your belief to see what you are truly capable of, get laser focused on YOUR business and simplify the structure, systems, and strategies to sell your offer and build a six figure business.

New episodes will be released each week plus a bonus sesh here and there for Biblical encouragement and inspiration.

Themes include content marketing & visibility, sales leadership, sales psychology, sales mastery, launch systems & strategies, how to build a 6-figure offer, and systems & strategies for consistent traffic... without relying on social media. ;)

You are the most important part of this show & your support is greatly appreciated. If you haven’t done so already: - Please subscribe! Go to
Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you like to listen & hit subscribe & leave a review! )
If you're excited about the show or love what you hear please take sec and share with a friend!

Thank you so much! I'm super pumped and can't wait to serve you!