You are beautiful & God made you specific and unique.

Did you need to hear that today?

Good! Because today I want to encourage you to take your eyes off of all the people around you.

You know how we tend to look at other people and see what they're doing and immediately put ourselves in a box? And then we put the Lord in a box. And then...we close the lid.


Like, there’s no way we can do what “she” is doing. Because she’s too beautiful and perfect, her hair is never out of place, she doesn't have crooked teeth, and aaaaaall that stuff that we go through!

But guess what? God can use every single one of us, imperfections and all.

It takes specific skills and techniques developed over time to learn how to not let all our excuses pigeon-hole us (which is why working with a faith-based business coach is so important) but I’ve got a challenge to get you started  right here in the podcast:

In today’s podcast I’m talking about:

Giving yourself permission to believe bigger.
Giving yourself permission to live in faith bigger.
Giving yourself permission to achieve bigger.

What excuses have you used to stop yourself from growing in your business and life?

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