Today, let’s talk about leverage!

Sterling Chapman is a father, husband, regional sales director, real estate investor, and podcast host of “The Rent Roll Radio Show”. From the middle of 2018 when he bought his first rental  through the end of 2019, Sterling had managed 26 rental units.

But once he mustered up the courage to turn it over to property management, his number of units quadrupled in just six months! It freed up so much of his bandwidth so he could keep building and growing.

Sterling started his real estate journey doing single-family business, flipping houses, and BRRRRing for rentals. Since then, Sterling syndicated to apartment complexes, managing 70 residential units, flipping 14 houses, and doing two syndications.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

[01:05] Sterling’s family and career background

[04:09] His real estate investment portfolio

[09:22] The power of leveraging others

[15:29] How Sterling keeps his crew going

[17:05] Finding deals through networking and meetups

[21:19] Raising money for syndications

[25:10] Nurturing relationships, email marketing, and funnels

[29:32] Building his credibility through “The Rent Roll Radio Show”

[32:51] Why he’s not leaving his W-2 job yet

[35:41] Keeping a job vs. real investing full-time

[45:02] What’s next for Sterling?

[48:46] Sterling’s GoBundance experience

[54:00} Focusing on the people side of real estate

Notable quotes from the Episode:

“It was hard for me to turn my properties over to property management… but when I turned it over, I quadrupled the number of units in six months.”

“What makes you a good businessman is having people want to do business with you over and over again.”

"You can automate and build these systems, and then at the end of the day, end up in everybody's spam."

“Retiring 25 years early is like adding 25 years into your life.”

Connecting with the Guest




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