The group finally leaves Selsey to fight a troll, with several stops on their way out of town. Then along the way it's time for Marrow's past to rear it's very pretty head. A group of very familiar people (to Marrow) happen across our group and bring a fight with them. Remember if you're enjoying the show to follow us on all social media @gobletsandgays! Also please like, share, review, and subscribe to help us find other gays. Don't forget to join us over on the Be Gay Roll Dice Discord! Then once you're done with all of that go over and check out our friends @AnimamAgere & @RoomWherePod!

Theme by @seanmcro

Cast: Dungeon Master - @MadQueenCosplay | Astraea - @Akinomii_Art | Dumisa - @DragonCatpaw | Marrow - @TickoutSydabus | Illiana - @SBGtheblog | Grun - @Dragonmaster149 

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