Host Doug Bennett chats with David (Dave) Castro, the visionary CEO of Icebreaker. Dive into the world of seamless networking as Dave unveils his ground-breaking app that revolutionises the way we interact at events and beyond. Dave shares his personal journey, the challenges he's faced, and the unwavering passion that drives him forward. Join Doug and Dave as they explore the power of human connection, the importance of staying focused on your dreams, and the incredible potential that lies within each of us.


Icebreaker is a revolutionary app that connects users with their ideal connections within eyeball distance, using keywords to notify them of potential matches. The app works seamlessly in both in-person and virtual settings, making it a versatile tool for networking and collaboration. Setting macro-level goals and being open to pivots along the way can lead to better outcomes and opportunities. Reviewing your goals regularly, either by writing them down or using an app to listen to them, helps keep you accountable and focused. Adding "or better" or "or more" to your goals can open up possibilities and prevent limiting yourself. Having a coach or accountability group is crucial for staying on track with your goals and filtering out distractions. Investing in self-education and personal development is essential for continued growth and success. The world is full of good people, and focusing on making genuine connections can lead to a more fulfilling life. 


"The life that we're dreaming of is built through the connections that we make.”

"My intent really is to serve people where they're at and what they need." 

"The money will come. I'm a pretty content guy, but I would love to make, a comfortable living for myself and my kids."

"We're all trying to do our best. So, the older I get the more patient I want to be and more understanding and humble."

"Dreams go maybe delayed or unfulfilled, but I like to say delayed because they don't have somebody there helping them to stay."






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Goals Do Come True is now live and available to buy on Amazon:

Think Simple, Win Big is now live and available to buy on Amazon:

Enjoy, and come back for the latest podcast each Wednesday. Thank you for listening.

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