THIS IS GOAL'S SEPTEMBER ADVENTURE SUMMARY Each month Marc and I share with you intimate details about our journey as a reminder that we are real humans on the other end of this microphone striving to experience our Get Out And Live motto. We will be wrapping up each month answering a series of questions about who, what, when, where, why, and how we are doing things in the hope to motivate you to "Just Go." If there is something specific you would like us to dive into more shoot us a DM or email. Don’t be shy, we do this for you! DM ME - INSTAGRAM EMAIL ME- CONTACT US Topics discussed are listed below but head to our website for some unedited real-life visuals. WHERE: Where are we adventuring? Answer: Cydny went to Dai Lai and Marc took a school service trip to build homes in Thai Nguyen. Here are some photos from Dai Lai. WHY: Why did this month feel adventurous? Answer: Cyd’s experience with motorbiking through Vietnam and Marc accepting that it’s okay to take it slow and settle. WHO: Who are we meeting and connecting with? Answer: Connecting with others that aren’t apart of the school system environment. Tiffany was introduced to us from Becca & Dan from HalfHalf Travel and Annastacia and Sean were introduced to us through Tiff. Sean is our new roomie for October and Annastacia runs all the big events in town! HOW: How are we staying inspired to continue adventuring? Answer: Thanks to the friends we have been making. Expats have similar personalities to us and are very motivating. WHAT:  What are the adventurous things are we eating? Answer: Seafood  What are the interesting things we have learned about the culture? Answer: Tiny chairs, bare feet, and no God Bless you’s  What are we obsessing over? Answer: Custom made everything! WHEN: When will we be adventuring next? Answer: Lombok, Indonesia and Hokkaido, Japan


What are our GOALS for the next month. Answer: Working on the mindset of being okay with leaving our new home. Feeling confident that our new place is okay to leave so we can hop on more last-minute adventures more easily.