In today’s world, it is difficult to have a day go by without hearing the threat of the planet due to over consumerism and plastic consumption. Trash is growing at alarming rates and we fear we won’t be able to turn back. Our voices about spreading its awareness and changing our mindset on our habits have never been more vital than today. I am so excited to share this artists take on our world of trash. She has found a way to love what we all hate and open our minds about its uses in the most creative of ways. One of the simplest ways of slowing down our consumption is by finding new ways to reuse what we own. Ariela has created some of the most beautifully unique ways to put an ordinary plastic bag on display. I hope this inspires you all to stop before throwing something in the trash. I hope it causes you to think that possibly there is a better use than placing in the bin. Even better I hope this sparks creativity to help add in the aid of a cleaner greener planet. Take the time this episode to click on Ariela’s links to fully appreciate her work.


Ariela Kader is a Costa Rican artist and teaching artist who has been making art out of trash and plastic bags for almost a decade. Ariela believes that "we are more what we throw away than what we consume" and states that "if trash is everyone's problem then it is also everyone's resource", a statement that she puts in practice in her studio as well as in her Trash2Art workshops. Ariela dreams of the near future when her artworks will not only be exhibited in art museums but also history museums to show future generations what a plastic bag once looked like and all the harm that this artifact caused to our environment. In hopes for a cleaner and more colorful world!



Finding love for trash - It began with her move to New York City where everyone looks up, Ariela looked down. Overconsumption was always a big problem, so she was determined to find a way to not only make us see the issue but also think about reusing what we already have.

How travel can play a big role in inspiring an artist. Ariela shares how she had a traveling studio that brought her to 12 different locations that inspired several new art concepts.

Motivating the change abroad.  Ariela began workshops in under privledge communities to educate and inspire change. She opens the eyes of young children to look for opportunities around them in an environment that lacks creativity. She motivates them to see the world differently to help enjoy the cleanup process that can lead to creative new ideas.



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“When traveling. If you receive a plastic bag think about Ariela and find a different use you can give to it besides the main reason why you received it. Give it a 2nd chance.”