Today on episode 67 we will be speaking to Jess Grippo  from


Although she quit dancing after high school and thought she’d missed her chance, Jess proved her 19-year-old self - and society - wrong. Her DIY dance videos on YouTube years later were the catalyst for reviving her dance practice AND transitioning her career back into dance. Since then she’s been invited to speak and perform on stages like TEDxNYU, Lincoln Center's Dance On Camera Festival, New York's Got Talent! competition show, and the New York Comedy Club.

While she was once the shyest of shy ballerinas, she’s now frequently found dancing spontaneously with strangers in the streets, subways, airports, parks, and more - and making videos with them.

Her “You Can Dance Again” programs and videos have helped hundreds of people in NYC and beyond to reclaim their sense of self through dance, feel at home in their bodies, and revive their creative expression.


TOPICS DISCUSSED ON THIS PODCAST: Life of an aspiring dancer - Dance is something Jess dove headfirst into as a child with big dreams of being a professional ballerina, that’s until she decided that didn’t align with her. Transitioning out and back again - Like many artists, Jess lost touch with her craft and felt the pressure of attending a “real college” to find that “real job.” But as most artists know, the passion to create rarely dies as she found herself trying to rediscover what she once loved from a very different point of view. Guiding others through dance - Jess found a freeing way to creatively express herself far from the norm of her past. She shares her new views and how she discovered that it can help other performers and non-performers reconnect, ground, build confidence, and most importantly be able to enjoy life more openly.





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TIP: “Whether you are a dancer or not, take a dance break. Use it as a tool before going into any normal work you do. What that means is to take a break from everything.

Put on music - 1-3 songs Listen to the music, let your body move in any way it wants to, Then go about your day and see what a difference it can make.