Today on episode 48 we are having a chat. Just me and the mic and your lovely ears.


It’s a deep episode that I find important to discuss. I will be opening up to you about my personal experiences with loss and grief. Something that I rarely share with others.


I debated if this would be sharing too much. Why get so personal?

Because I’d like you to know where I have come from so you can understand my passion for our message here with GOAL Traveler.  It has come apparent to me, even more now, as to why I’m so fueled to live life “my way.” I accept and love myself more for straying from the crowd and choosing a nonconventional path. I have often second guessed myself, fear what others may think, and wondered if I was selfish because of it.


You see I have dealt with great loss and tragic events in my life. I’ve seen what these events can do to a person and a family. Loss and grief is a process that will never be easy. It will create wounds that never fully heal. However, there is a crazy blessing to be found behind each one that I have become internally grateful for. These events have taught me the most important lessons in life and that is to never take it for granted. I have learned to appreciate everything that is around me (often brought to tears on the smallest of things), to love deeply, and live freely. Each experience has made me more and more aware of how important it is for me to love all areas of my life.


You may have had similar experiences or you may have been lucky not too, yet. Regardless, we humans will all share this. We are all here to live and one day we will all say goodbye. The only thing I want in life is for you to experience it fully. Get Out there And Live it!



What to expect when experiencing grief- Cydny discusses her personal experiences with loss and change and how it affected her and those around her. How to learn from grief. Cydny discusses how grief can provide some of the best lessons to learn in life. That there is a silver lining throughout the pain. Motivation to live life your way.  Cydny preaches the importance of having only one life to live and how you need to start doing what makes you happy.