Is there a little voice in the back of your head that speaks up just about the time you feel like you've got it all together and says, “you don't deserve this success”? That voice is awful and it’s your imposter syndrome. All female entrepreneurs I work with have dealt with imposter syndrome. When you feel like a fraud no matter what you’ve achieved or how qualified you are, it can be detrimental to your ability to get stuff done and get where you want to go. Today I'm discussing imposter syndrome and how you can create a real system to approach imposter syndrome so that you can use your energy towards serving your clients and building your business. 



Show Links:

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Show Takeaways: 

Discover why imposter syndrome is prevalent at every level of business.  Discern why that voice is taking up brain power that you're using to worry, rather than using that same amount of energy, cognitive bandwidth to take strategic action to level up. Takeaway a real system to take on imposter syndrome so that you can work through it.