When creating a business, it can be really easy to fall into trading dollars for hours or working one-on-one with clients in order to deliver a service or transformation to positively impact people's lives and make some money.

But the issue I've found with this, and that I see others fall into as well, is that they start to crave more success, more money, more freedom, just more. 

One popular solution that you've probably heard about before is to create a one -to -many offer and go from selling your time or a done for you service to selling a transformation, which requires you to learn to package your expertise.

And that is what this entire episode is all about. Exactly. How do you take the expertise that you have and package it in a way that gets others the transformation that they want, and most importantly are willing to pay for.



Show Links:

Next Level CEO Mastermind World-Class Wake Up DM me on Instagram


Show Takeaways: 

Learn what a one- to- many offer is and how that could look for your business Discover the two biggest mistakes female entrepreneurs make when it comes to creating a one-to-many offer Find out to create an offer that your audience wants and is willing to pay for