Productivity seems to be the end all be all. For most entrepreneurs, we are impatient to get to the dream life and business that the successful Instagram influencers are living. Or maybe it's just being able to cover this month's bills and having a bit leftover, but both seem to be at the end of the ever elusive productivity secrets and hacks.

But I have noticed that there are a few myths that are so pervasive in this industry that are actually keeping a lot of entrepreneurs stuck exactly where they are, or even worse, causing them to burn out and sometimes give up altogether. So in this episode, I am calling out these myths and sharing the truths to replace them.


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Show Takeaways: 

Learn about the four main productivity myths and how it shows up for female entrepreneurs The truths to replace these myths with The action step you can take today to help you overcome one or more of these myths and move yourself forward