Do ideals like "Love at First Sight"  really exist?   Do we need to see shooting stars and feel the tingles day 1 in order to think we are in love?  If attraction is NOT immediate do we just give up on the relationship assuming love can't do we know if we should stay or we should go?

First Up "To Good To Be True" finds the IDEAL women.  She's fun,  funny and shows him a good time in every way, especially in the bedroom.    She dotes on him,  takes care of him  and is at his beck and call for just about everything........there's just one problem.....he has no feelings for her.    The girls talk through the old adage of  Love at First Sight including does it exist and does it last.Second ...."Quickies" are continued because everyone LOVES a good quickie!  It's the drive thru  for advice requests.  The girls have to decide which twin "wins" with respect to acceptance  of using  text message   to break up with someone..... then battle lines are drawn on whether secrets  can be told or meant to be taken to the grave.   

Want to share your "WHAT SHOULD I DO?"
Email us your advice request at [email protected] for a chance to be featured on the show.
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