Tonight's episode highlights the GOOD...the BAD....and the UGLY....of Friendships.   

First Up "Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace" landed the perfect job.....found the perfect man..... setting herself up for the perfect life RIGHT?  Not a chance... the man is her boss and married to a gal who becomes her best friend.  Does she tell her new BFF about the affair....or does she "HOLD THE PEACE"....especially when the BIGGEST secret is still left to tell.  The girls examine and table talk the pressures faced from the infamous command  to give the "411"  that  not be known by others or keep the info  (regardless of importance or urgency) to yourself for eternity.Second ...."The Fed Up 5" struggle with a plan to hold an intervention  for their "6" who they believe is being abused by her new lover, but "6" thinks he's "the BEST ever" and can do no wrong.  She is blinded by his bullying ways..........possibly because of the hypocrisy that she was a bully to others growing up.   Is "6's"  case simple PAYBACK for her bullying and dominating past.....or full on abuse in desperate need of intervention?  The debate is on and it's not at all what you expect!

Want to share your "WHAT SHOULD I DO?"
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