After talking all about Rocky last week, we still had a Sylvester  Stallone appetite that needed to be satisfied. The only way to make it  better? Add in some Wesley Snipes. That’s how you get Demolition Man!

In our first scifi movie (Well, unless you count Harley Davidson and  the Marlboro Man. Technically that’s a scifi movie too.) we give this  90’s classic the GWTH treatment. This movie really has it all. Bungee  jumping out of a helicopter? Check. Futuristic weapons? Check. Virtual  SEX?! Oh, you better believe its got that too! Between the three of us  we’ve probably seen this movie 50 times and it never gets old… Unless  you pay real close attention to the story.

We have so much fun with this movie. We gush over Sly and Snipes  battling it out. Dominic wonders if Friendly really did have prison  reform on his agenda. Melissa wants to know what the “hunka chunka” is  and how one could acquire it. John makes us thing about hot dog scented  soap. How can you go wrong!

Podcast, but in YouTube form


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Email: gowiththeheat[@]gmail[.]com

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John Twitter: @corriveau_john

Melissa Twitter: @mrsmelcorriveau

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Intro & transition music provided by:

Cuban Sandwich, Voice Over Under

Kevin MacLeod (

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