There are movie openings and then there’s Billy Blanks shooting his  way to the end zone. This weeks movie is one of the most underrated  action movies of the era and has one of the worst jigs ever danced. We  learn three things from this movie:

Friday night is in fact a great night for football.
This is what John McClane was up to between taking down that plane in D.C. and stopping the theft at Fort Knox.
Pat Boone is the quintessential old man.

We have a lot of fun with this movie while also gushing over amazing  Tony Scott/Joel Silver action movies. The only question we’re left with  is, “Did free agency actually kill the game?”

The Last Boy Scout

Premiered: Dec. 13, 1991

Written: Shane Black

Directed: Tony Scott

Produced: Joel Silver


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Intro & transition music provided by:

Cuban Sandwich, Voice Over Under

Kevin MacLeod (

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