It's here Wall Fans! A fresh new Common Sense Sunday! Join the madness as we unpack your weekly dose of common sense along with some important mental health topics and an epic album review. Be aware, this one has a LOT of language not suitable for kids. We always try to avoid the f bombs but sometimes it's warranted, and this is one of those times.

Pour a tasty beverage and enjoy the (somewhat) soothing sounds of Go Tell It To The Wall.

#CommonSense #HavePassion #WeDontNeedRails #TrumpTower #ShakeShack #SuperBowl #MentalHealth #EndTheStigma #RefuseToSink #TrumpLawsuit #Parenting #GirlScouts #SchoolFundraisers #OfficerVsAcorns #TruckerBoycott #PoliticalFlyers #Amazon #AppleVisionPro #CeaseFireNow #Palestine #Deadpool #TheDrowns #BlackedOut