Penny Chappell has been traveling her entire life. She grew up in a family that constantly changed states. They were always eager to move and explore. There were always unplanned road trips, which are some of her fondest childhood memories.

The spirit of travel never left her even after having children. This this spirit of adventure she got from her parents, she also passed on to her daughters. She didn’t have the finances and opportunity for her big travel back then, but that didn’t stop her from exploring and traveling with her kids.

After her kids have moved out at age 57, she had the opportunity to pull the trigger and start traveling solo. In her new job, she was nonchalantly told that she can work anywhere, and she jumped on the opportunity to work from anywhere. Moving to France for three months while working a full-time job, she shares her absolutely memorable experience seeing breathtaking places, meeting amazing people, and feeding her hunger for travel.

France has been a completely unforgettable trip for Penny. Though she was missing her family in California, she had a strong resistance to leave France. Who knew that you can call more than one place home?

Penny finds peace in traveling solo. It is her way of recharging, self care, and finding clarity. She encourages everyone to experience the joy of solo travel. Who knows, you might get hooked too.


Key Takeaways:

Solo traveling is a great learning experience that everyone should try. There are so many points to remember when you’re solo traveling. Penny traveled to France for three months without knowing anyone and without speaking French. Solo traveling is not the same as solitary traveling...there will always be people who will help you. Solo traveling gives you the opportunity to experience the place’s culture and meet new people. Penny felt completely at home in France and had a hard time leaving. When one trip is ending, you mentally plan your next. Solo traveling is also a time for self-reflection.


Mentioned in This Episode:

The Reluctant Traveler's Group

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Connect with Penny:

Learn more about Penny’s travel adventures at Our Suitcase Adventures. You can also follow her on Facebook My Suitcase Adventures and Instagram Our Suitcase Adventures.


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