Carol Guttery decided to structure her life a little bit differently when she turned 50. Her husband had just retired and she wanted to spend less time commuting to work and more time enjoying life with him. Traveling was something Carol always loved to do and she just didn’t get to do enough of it. So, she quit her job and worked on her ‘next step in life’ while being fully committed to traveling around the world. Find out more about Carol and her journey on this week’s show.


Key Takeaways:

*What was going on in Carol’s life when she turned 50?

*When Carol quit her job, she was finally able to see several conservation projects she was a part of in person/onsite.

*When you go to a new country, spend time doing things you’re passionate about! Don’t like art? Don't go to museums. It’s okay!

*There is a distinction between traveling solo and traveling alone.

*What did Carol like the most about Singapore?

*When is Carol’s next solo trip?

*Icelandair is doing some really cool things right now with the way they’re structuring their flights.

*On Carol’s website, she has organized it in such a way when you can explore ‘alternative activities’ of different places in the world.

*Own your own travel life!


Mentioned in This Episode:

Transform via Travel on Facebook

@GoSoloLive on Twitter

Email: [email protected]

Go Solo!: A Savvy Woman’s Guide to Transformation & Self-Discovery, by Jennifer Buchholz and Amy Oaks


Connect with Carol:







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