Leah Walker is a Texan woman with a heart for France. Leah first experienced solo travel when she went to Costa Rica as a college student. Fast forward to now, Leah is living in France and works as a brand ambassador and social media expert. Leah knows there’s a lot of blogs out there telling you how to quit your job and travel the world. They make it sound easy, but it’s not! It takes time to build a career and it takes time to save the money you need to see the world. You just have to make it a priority.


Key Takeaways:

*What inspired Leah to leave Texas and travel solo?

*The first place Leah ever went to solo was Costa Rica in 1997. She and her friends got chased by a guy wielding a machete. It was very rural back then.

*Later in life, Leah really loved to travel and didn’t want to wait for her then-husband’s schedule to see the world. She was bitten by the bug and ready to go.

*Unfortunately, Leah mother was diagnosed with cancer at 60 and she ended up passing away at 65. This had a profound effect on her. Life really is short.

*Leah used travel to heal from her mother’s passing and to escape the pain.

*Leah ended up winning a month-long trip to Europe from a writing competition and she could choose which cities she wanted to go to.

*Leah’s ex-husband really encouraged her to take her writing seriously and to follow her dreams. She could not have done it without his support.

*There’s a lot of blogs out there on how to quit your job and travel the world, but it’s not easy.

*Why did Leah decide to live in Paris?

*How has travel evolved for Leah over the years?

*What does Leah’s lifestyle look like in France?

*How can someone start and get a career as a brand ambassador?

*Oprah once said, “If it’s on your ass, it’s not an asset.” This phrase made Leah re-think her shopping habits.

*Some people keep ‘wishing’ to travel. Stop wishing! Start saving!

*Leah understands that there are people out there who really can’t afford to pay rent and are struggling. Get your basics covered first before travel. This message is for the people who have a disposable income and still ‘wish’ they could travel … while buying those $$$ designer bags.

*On social media, people may make it look rosy, but the reality is it took Leah some time to set herself up in France. For example, it took her a year and a half to get a French bank account.


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