Katrina McGhee took a 20-month career break. Although this might seem scary and like career suicide, when Katrina came back she was rejuvenated and transformed. With a new vision and focus, she then took the next challenge to pay off her student loan debt. Katrina is now in her late 30s and is completely debt-free! Prior to her break, Katrina felt lost and miserable. She was unhappy with her corporate job and was afraid that this was ‘it’ for her. Is this really all life had to offer? Katrina decided no, it wasn’t and put steps in place to change her life around. Find out how she did it in this week’s episode!


Key Takeaways:

*Katrina was recently featured on Forbes!

*Katrina took a 20-month career break. After coming back, Katrina decided to pay off her student loans. She is currently debt-free!

*Katrina quit her job in 2013 and solo traveled when she was 31.

*The interesting thing was, Katrina didn’t think travel was possible but she stacked the odds in her favor so that she would travel, by joining an MBA program that had study abroad options.

*When Katrina was in her corporate job, she felt so stuck and really sad. She decided to get a life coach to help her out of the rut.

*When Katrina was working on her MBA, she quit her high-paying job to study full-time. She was a bit older than the average student (she was 29).

*When Katrina returned back to corporate, she felt even more stuck. She thought her MBA would be the answer; she found out that it wasn’t. She just didn’t know what to do next. She was 31 and thought, ‘Is this really it for me?’

*When you’re ready for a change, be intentional with it. Set up the plans; once you do, you’ll be at peace.

*Katrina gave her job an 8-month notice that she was quitting to travel around the world, and they were supportive of it!

*How did Katrina plan financially for her travel?

*Once Katrina had the budget, where did she first start on her travel journey?

*After traveling the world, Katrina went back home and spent 4-5 months just recovering. She needed time to adjust back into American life.

*What’s next for Katrina? She’s quitting her current job in February and her lease ends in March.

*What does Katrina currently do for a living? She has created a location-independent career while she was saving money/working.

*Katrina has a free gift available on her website to help you travel and find your way.

*Part of making a real change is by surrounding yourself with possibilities and hearing people’s stories of how they made travel possible for themselves. It’s possible to do this!


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Eat Pray Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert


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