Melissa Binkley is the Founder of Intuitive Intelligence Academy, a transformation school for anyone seeking to heal trauma and grow themselves. Melissa went on her first solo trip in 2015 and ever since then she has experienced huge transformations within herself. However, those icky and uncomfortable emotions still pop up inside her every now and again, but instead of ignoring them, she sits with them, journals them, and then moves on. By doing this, she has become a much freer (and happier!) person.


Key Takeaways:

*What was going on in Melissa’s life when she decided to embark on her 2015 solo travel?

*When Melissa embarked on her solo journey, did she think her partner would come with her?

*Melissa went to India for four months and it was a deeply transformative experience. She was 100% solo!

*On that trip, Melissa was able to find ‘home’ again. What does she mean by that?

*What were some of the highlights of being on this Indian trip?

*Melissa went on a backpacking trip to Europe with her daughter, but little did she know her entire bank account was cleaned out by a business partner.

*You can have the life you want AND run the kind of business you want at the same time.

*What kind of emotional transformation did Melissa experience on these solo trips?

*The hidden gem of solo travel is really being with yourself, in silence. Don’t bury your uncomfortable emotions.

*Melissa loves to journal. It really helps her get out all of that ‘ick’ inside her.

*What scared Melissa the most about traveling solo?

*As an intuitive person, how did Melissa use her strength while traveling solo?

*What is Melissa currently up to? How does she help her clients?


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