Linda Beach did something bold when she found herself unhappy with her life — she decided to sell her business and move to Belize, a country she had never even been to before. This story is the perfect example of ‘if you can dream it, you can have it,’ because Linda put her three-year plan out into the universe and began putting bits and pieces in place so she could achieve it. Today, she’s built a location-independent business and she gets to live the dream of being close to beautiful ocean waters, sandy beaches, and unforgettable scuba dive trips. Find out on this week’s show how she was able to put all of this in place and live in a new country… solo!


Key Takeaways:

*Linda’s solo journey really just snuck up on her.

*What did Linda’s life look like before she took her first solo journey plunge?

*Three years from now, what would you like your life to look like?

*Linda is living proof that the law of attraction works.

*You can have a big fat dream and still sit on your sofa without doing anything. That’s not how the law of attraction works. You have to do the work.

*Linda really loves to dive, so she knew she had to live near a place that allowed for her to have that kind of lifestyle.

*Linda made the decision to move to Belize before she even visited the country.

*One thing Linda knows for a fact. When you’re working on your dream, you don’t want to share it with all the dream naysayers. You don’t want anybody to talk you out of this.

*Linda sold her business and that was it! She was now set to move to Belize. So, she took a discovery trip over there to see whether or not she’d like it first.

*What kind of challenges did Linda have when she was trying to move to a new country?

*What some people forget is that life in the Caribbean is nothing like life in the U.S. So many people see the resorts and think ‘this is the Caribbean lifestyle’ — it’s not!

*Linda discusses some of her favorite solo travels.

*Linda lived in Belize for months and no one came to visit her, not even her kids!

*Linda recently polished up her next big dream vision and is now working towards it.


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