Gloria Coppola began her first solo trip to Saint Lucia after going through a divorce. The experience was humbling and enlightening. It made her realize that the time to really do things isn’t tomorrow, or when the kids grow up, it’s now! Her next solo trip came directly after the unexpected death of her second husband. She was sad, depressed, and lost, but she felt compelled to go to Egypt. That trip ultimately transformed her and helped her heal from the sudden loss and propelled her into a completely new mission in life.


Key Takeaways:

*Where was Gloria in her life when she decided to embark on her first solo trip?

*After going through a divorce, Gloria needed some self-care!

*How did Gloria’s family take the news that she was traveling solo?

*Gloria had to climb 94 steps up to the spa, but instead of taking it negatively she decided to shift her perception.

*Gloria felt so happy that she decided to take the trip.

*What kind of challenges did Gloria face?

*The time to live is now. Don’t wait till the kids grow, or till you retire, to do the things you truly care about.

*What other solo trips has Gloria been on since then?

*One month before Gloria and her second husband were to go and explore to Egypt, her husband died.

*When Gloria was in Egypt, something inside her got unlocked. When she came back, she sold everything and lived in Hawaii for 7 years.

*Our purpose is very, very important.

*What do Gloria’s children think of their mom jet-setting across the world?

*Gloria consciously chose to step out of a very materialistic paradigm that so many of her friends have fallen victim to.

*Some people aren't able to leave their job, but that doesn’t mean they are unable to change things.

*Gloria talks about Peru, and how all the signs were leading her there.


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