
(1:40) What are you obsessed with?

(5:11) YouTube Shorts

(9:34) Instagram Guides

(15:19) Using TikTok in Your Marketing Strategy

(22:08) Clubhouse Competitors


Bryan Fittin

Loren Lewis

The Verge on YouTube Shorts 

Cure Media on Instagram Guides 

Boosted on TikTok

Econsultancy on TikTok

The Verge on Facebook's Clubhouse Rip-off

TechCrunch on Twitter Spaces  


“I don’t think [YouTube Shorts] are going to be a competitor for TikTok.  I think it’s going to be something for them and their own community.  You go to YouTube for a specific experience.” (6:49)

“I think we’re going to see brands get really creative with [Instagram Guides], because they’re actually able to create micro-blogs within their Instagram profile, which I think is insanely cool.” (10:42)

“I have a feeling Reels may die down, but [Guides] will become a stapled feature that people regularly use.  I think for brands especially, this is going to be critical for you to hop on, because it’s going to be a resource for your audience.” (12:36)

“[Duets are] allowing your audience, your biggest fans, to interact with you, and to actually experience your brand, rather than them reacting to it.  And there’s just such a difference in that.  Instead of them reacting to an ad that you put out, they actually get to be a part of it and that’s the main difference.” (20:52)

“There’s some really neat stuff that’s actually happening on Clubhouse.  I don’t know that you’re going to be able to replicate that right now with Facebook or Twitter, but I know they’re going to try.  So I hope that Clubhouse has more of a social connectability.” (27:05)