Montreal’s favorite arts, entertainment and comedy podcast is back and asks Tyler Lemco: If you could go back in time and tell yourself to purposefully make a mistake, what would it be? That question was asked by Esteban Vargas back[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...

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Montreal’s favorite arts, entertainment and comedy podcast is back and asks Tyler Lemco: If you could go back in time and tell yourself to purposefully make a mistake, what would it be? That question was asked by Esteban Vargas back in episode 248.

Tyler Lemco is a Montreal icon.

Tyler Lemco is a Montreal icon in Mexico.

Tyler is down in Mexico for the next little while since he heard that a bunch of truckers would be blasting their horns here in Canada. He joins Chris Venditto and I to talk about food, flirting without a common language, Lemco Day and whether or not he would be safer in unfamiliar parts of the world with or without his brother.

Tyler is pretty much a kind of comedy renaissance man, performing standup, writing sketches, appearing on talk shows, DJing and starring in content all over the world wide web.

Do yourself a favor and follow the good Doctor Tyler Lemco on Twitter @tlemco and Instagram @tlemco to keep up to date with all of his insights and life lessons.

Enjoy the show!

Credit Where Credit is Due


As always, a big thank you to the providers of our theme song: Aural Turpitude!

Chris Venditto is another funny person in Montreal who you can see all over the place and if you don’t want to miss him take the stage you should follow him on all the socials. He’s @chrisvenditto on Twitter and Instagram so you should follow him on those two things. He also produces shows with the guys at Perfect Bite Productions who you should also follow on Instagram and on Facebook.

Keith does all sorts of things here on, he works with the other founders on 9to5 (illustrated), co-hosts our two podcasts: The 9to5 Entertainment System and Go Plug Yourself and sometimes blogs here as The Perspicacious Geek.

The post Tyler Lemco Returns! – GPYS 249 appeared first on 9to5 (dot cc).

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