Today’s Quotes:

“God’s in, I’m out.” – Unknown

“Look closely at cloth,
you see only threads.
Look closely at creation,
you see only Self.

As sweetness
pervades sugarcane juice,
I am the essence of creation.”
 – Ashtavakra Gita

“You get a car, and you get a car!” – Oprah

Today’s Practice:

Raise your right hand to chest level and hold up your index finger, like Neem Karoli Baba, in this photo.   Feel the Love it's pointing to.  And then, if you can, point that finger at objects in the space you’re in and know, ‘that’s Love, and that’s Love, and you’re Love, and you’re Love, too!’ Know everything as modifications or interpretations of the One Love, even that body doing the pointing! Only Love is here and in this moment, It's appearing as 'you' reading these words.  And now, as 'you' smiling, and relaxing your shoulders.  Stay in this knowing, today.  

I love you,  
[email protected]

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