Love is appearing as a European retreat right now, but I'll be back with new episodes on Jan 8th! I love you! I am you! 


Chanting keeps my eyes on God.  My 'I' in, and AS God.  I chant Ram, Ram, Ram all throughout the day as often as I can remember (60%-75% of my waking hours-- aloud when I'm alone, silently when I'm with others).  When I'm hearing the Sound (sounds like a high pitch 'eeeeee', here), I stop chanting and just Hear. Sometimes I continue to chant Ram WHILE hearing the Sound at the same time. Whether I'm chanting or hearing, I'm KNOWING by feeling that I'm not here as this body, as this scene, as this moment, I'm here as Love.  I'm here as the Sound. I'm here as Light.  The Sound, the Name breaks my belief in the world, in my problems, in myself. This is a 24/7 365 practice. It must go on constantly. It is your rope. Your lifeline. Keep climbing and don't let go!     

Check out this excerpt on mantras from Polishing the Mirror by Ram Dass-

"Keep repeating your mantra consciously until it has become a strong habit. Go for a walk and say the mantra all the time you are walking. Notice everything but keep the mantra going. Keep realizing that being with God is your focus… and therefore everything you see is part of God.

Maharajji said, “The best form in which to worship God is all forms.” Everyone you meet is Ram who has come to teach you something. Mantra is remembering that place in the heart – Ram, Ram, Ram. Say it, mouth it, think it, feel it in your heart. You are continually meeting and merging into perfection.

The Divine is present in the soul of all living beings and in the Universe."

Check out  Chants of a Lifetime (my favorite book on chanting and devotion) by Krishna Das! The audiobook was just recorded last year and is updated with new commentary. 

I Love you ,
[email protected]     

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Today's Quotes:

"We have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties." 
-Oswald Chambers

"There are so many thoughts in the mind Thought after thought after thought. But there is one thought that is continuous, though it is mostly sub-conscious: 'I am the body? This is the string on which all other thoughts are threaded. Once we identify ourselves with the body by thinking this thought, maya follows. It also follows that if we cease to identify with the body, maya will not affect us anymore."
- Annamalai Swami 

"You have caught My Voice, and the meaning of the words I speak is becoming plain in your heart. You are coming to see that in the realm of Pure Spirit there is nothing which can come and go, rise and fall, fail or succeed..."
-Excerpt from Quiet Talks with the Master by Eva Bell Werber

"Everything in this life is meant to draw you closer to me. -God"
- IG @faith_on_fire__

"Nothing is personal, because You are not a person."
- IG @ram_bodhi

"Nobody wants to do it - not real change, not soul change, not the painful molecular change required to truly become who you need to be. Nobody ever does real transformation for fun.  Nobody ever does it on a dare. You do it only when your back is so far against the wall that you have no choice anymore."
- Elizabeth Gilbert

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