Love is appearing as a European retreat right now, but I'll be back with new episodes on Jan 8th! I love you! I am you! 


Like those burglar alarms that make no noise,

that aren't audible to the trespasser, but sound somewhere else...

when I feel invaded by thought,

I close my eyes and I Hear.

I hear this Silence sounding,

and in that Emptiness,

in that Quiet Space,

help gets deployed,

problems get solved,

the right people show up.

This Silence is the helper.

It is the Comforter.

It is Love.

If you could just stop leaving this Love,

if you could just stop forgetting to hear this Love,

you'd start seeing changes.

You'd start seeing yourself as Love,

knowing only Love Is here,

only this Weight,

that has no form,

that has no shape,

that has no 'weight', is here.

But here where you are, It's experienced as a Joyful Gravity,

pulling what's for you,


into Your orbit.

I Love you,


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Today's Quotes:

“For our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!”
-2 Corinthians 4:17 NLT

"Your struggles are not because you didn't pray the right way or because you didn't pray enough, or because you have weak faith or insufficient intercessors. It is because God is using you in ways that you may not understand now, but one day you will. One day you will see how God used your affliction to prepare you for an incomparable weight of glory."
-@Therealsweetspot Derrika Danielle

"A million speak of love, yet how few know, True love is not to lose remembrance even for an instant."

"I used to think that in order to abide in Christ,
I had to read my bible every day,
pray everyday,
and share my faith every single day.
My abiding  was depending on me doing something,
but this is just wrong.
Abiding in Christ is not another work that needs to be performed,
but it's a reality to live in.
In the same way that one lives in a house, and only need not leave in order to remain in the house,
you are in Christ. 

And abiding in Hm is simply the decision to not walk away."
-@Jkjoe via IG