"Acknowledging the good that is already in your life is the foundation for all abundance."
-Eckhart Tolle

Ceaselessly acknowledging God by feeling Love, and knowing this Love as the source of 'the good that is already in your life', is the foundation for all abundance. 

Today we practice remembering that this feeling of God, our Joy is the foreground of our experience, not the background.  We eat joyfully, drive joyfully, breathe in Joy, walk in Joy... we do everything we normally do on a Sunday morning, but with conscious Joy.  We do all of it as if we  are existing  and moving in and through a Joy bubble... feeling this same Joy within and without.  The more we remember to feel this all-pervasive Joy, the more our life changes. The instant you feel Joy is the instant the changes begin.

“Whoever works for God, his work will be done by itself.”
-Neem Karoli Baba aka  Maharajji 

"For one who sees Me everywhere, and everything in Me; I am never lost to Him, and he is never lost to Me."
-Sri Krishna (Bhagavad Gita)   

"Wherever you concentrate, and on whatever centre, there must be a you to concentrate, and that is what you must concentrate on."
-Ramana Maharshi

"A fully Krishna (God) Conscious person, although situated in this material world, does not see anything but Krishna."
*Krishna is the God of Love in Hinduism

"I Am so often not recognized. Life is a thing so taken for granted. Blessed art thou that thou dost love, recognize, and adore the Power indwelling.  For I blend with your body, I thrill through your veins, I think through your mind, and love through your heart center, even as I am the One who thrills through every other being of My creation...
This is your lesson for the day. Bow before Me in all whom you contact and you shall see miracles spring from the very dirt beneath your feet."
-Eva Bell Werber,  Voice of the Master

I Love you and I'm with you,

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