You don't have to force your way into this Silence.

You don't have to force your way into this Love.

You don't have to force a manifestation.

R E L A X,

into the Force.

That tension you were feeling was the false force,

this Stillness that you've softened into,

this Love,

is THE Force.

It's God.

And God isn't a He, She, or It.

God is an experience--

not something you  have to force,

just something you have to feel,

and not stop feeling,

no matter what else  you feel,


I Love you,


[email protected]

p.s. Maya = illusion

Samadhi = highest state of meditation/Oneness

******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon!

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Today's Quotes:

" Fret not where the road will take you.
Instead concentrate on the first step.
That is the hardest part and that is what you are responsible for. Once you take that step let everything do what it naturally does and the rest will follow.
Don't go with the flow. Be the flow. "
-Shams Tabrizi

"That one thing is everything.
Your body is God. 
Your breath is God. 
Your thoughts are God. 
The good is God. 
The bad is God.
There is nothing other than that one thing....
then the duality vanishes.
You and I vanish...
that's Samadhi."
-Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

"Where God guides,
He provides" (Isaiah 58:11)
-via IG @SheRises

"Rahme is an active force transforming the world around us. When we experience the state to which this Beatitude points, our rebirth allows those whom we love to freely rebirth themselves as well.
Ripening in a healthy way are those who radiate womb-like love from the deepest place inside.
They shall be reborn within Love's creative stream."
-The Aramaic Jesus, Neil Douglas Klotz

"For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." 
- Yoda

"Close your eyes. Feel it. The's always been there. It will guide you." 
-Maz Kanata

"If you're feeling negative emotion, it means you're telling yourself a lie."
Abraham Hicks

"See I am all in you, and all for you."
-Luisa Piccarreta