Take a vacation from yourself by being your Self.  Bask in the sun of the Self and immediately know everything AS that One.  As Love.  You're not trying to practice or trying to remember this, you immediately feel and know Love here, there, and everywhere.  

When you scroll IG, you know that where the phone, the hand, the feed, and the profiles appear to be, only Love is.  Where the world is, including the body you call 'you' appears to be, know only Love is (t)here.  Here, everything is holy.  Everything is sacred.  Every day is a miracle. Every day is vacation.  Every day is Saturday.  This is an immediate recognition.  An instant retreat.  Stay here.

I Love you, 
[email protected]

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Today's Quotes:

"Your consciousness of Truth does not mean your ability to recall Truth; it means your immediate awareness of Truth-- the Truth of which you are conscious this very moment."
- Bob Pilato

 “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
-John 16:33

"The entire spiritual life is based on the rejection of appearances."
-Joel Goldsmith

 “All evil vanishes from life for him who keeps the sun in his heart.” 
-Ram Dass