God has sent (t)His Love

for us to follow

out of the illusion.

So don't let anything distract you from this Love.

Not yourself,

not your thoughts,

or anyone else.

Nothing is worth it.

Nothing, this No Thing, this Silence is worth it.

It's worth your attention.

It made you worthy.

It made you Holy.

It has given you a Purpose.

And right now It looks like whatever you are called to do 'today'.

The pressure is not on you,

the Presence is on you.*

Affirm: The Presence is on me, in me, for me.

And then just do it. Don't think about it. Just do it. Just watch It accomplish everything.

I Love you,
[email protected]

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Today's Quotes:   

"Pressure on you, Presence on me."
-Gabriel Lopez @gods.best.friend

"I have been asked many times, "How do you stop thinking?" And I have found one way. The minute I can look at any person or condition and know that it is neither good nor evil, my thought stops, and my mind becomes quiet. That is the end of it because then there are no thoughts left for me to think about it: I do not think good of it and I do not think evil of it. All I know is that it is, and then I am back at the center of my being where all power is."
-Joel S Goldsmith

"Unless you give up the idea that the world is real, then your mind will always be after it."
-Sri Ramana Maharshi

"The kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth but people don't see it."
-The Gospel of Thomas

“It seemed as if Maharaj-ji was about to answer, but instead his eyes closed and he sat there completely still, completely silent. It felt like he'd totally disappeared. In all the time I'd been with him, I'd only seen him sitting motionless like this a couple of times before. It was extraordinarily powerful, as if the whole universe had become silent. Then a tear came down his cheek. We were in awe. After a couple of minutes, his eyes half opened and, with great emotion, he quietly said, 'He lost himself in love, that's how he meditated. He was one with all beings. He loved everyone, even the people who crucified him. He never died. He is the atman [soul]. He lives in the hearts of all. He lost himself in love."
-Krishna Das 

"God is in me, God is with me. God is for me."