Love is appearing as a European retreat right now, but I'll be back with new episodes on Jan 8th! I love you! I am you! 


An Important replay from Jan 2022

Every time you  see something disturbing today (a headline, an email, an annoying someone), or feel some inner upset, pause and remember, 'I'm It'.  You've been tagged.  You've been chosen to remember that things aren't as they appear.  You become the witness of the inner or outer disturbance AND witness to the Love that's also present.  Feel Love in that body while the disturbance appears to be (t)here.  This is the first and last step.

Witness as Love smiles that face, relaxes that body, and stirs up Peace and calm-confidence. This is what 'It' feels like.  When  you're feeling It, you're being It, and soon you'll be seeing the fruits of 'It' in and as the world.

You're IT,


[email protected]

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Today's Quotes:

As a myriad of things and
Playing a game
Of tag
Has kissed you and said,
"You're it---
I mean, you're Really IT!"
It does not matter
What you believe or feel
For something wonderful,
Major-league Wonderful
Is someday going
Happen. "
- Daniel Ladinsky, from 'You're It' in "The Gift, Poems by Hafiz"    

"I became conscious of being (feeling) it. 
I am still conscious of being it.
And I shall continue to be conscious of being it until that which I am conscious of being is perfectly expressed. "
-Neville Goddard

"By changing the way you feel you can change the way things turn out."
-Abraham Hicks

"Actually the only freedom you have is not to react to conditions and to turn within, to see the truth. Everything else is preordained. Whatever appears in your life is destined to be.  It is your reaction to what appears that matters to you, what's going to happen to you next." 
-Robert Adams

"The secret is to allow the world to show you what it will, and for you not to react to anything."
-Robert Adams