01 – Castle Escape + Randomizer Tournament Roundup (Spring, Summer, & Fall)



00:00 / 00:52:17




Download file | Play in new window | Duration: 00:52:17 | Recorded on August 12, 2018

Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher

In the first episode of The Go Mode Podcast, timp, Axeil, & Hurfydurfy share their thoughts on the recently concluded 2018 Spring Tournament, as well as the upcoming Summer and Fall Tournaments. FEATURE: The crew talks through the first d

01 – Castle Escape + Randomizer Tournament Roundup (Spring, Summer, & Fall)



00:00 / 00:52:17




Download file | Play in new window | Duration: 00:52:17 | Recorded on August 12, 2018

Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher

In the first episode of The Go Mode Podcast, timp, Axeil, & Hurfydurfy share their thoughts on the recently concluded 2018 Spring Tournament, as well as the upcoming Summer and Fall Tournaments. FEATURE: The crew talks through the first dungeon in Vanilla aLttP, Castle Escape.


Axeil’s favorite 2018 Spring Tournament match: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5Y-Q1n3PH4

Hurfydurfy’s favorite 2018 Spring Tournament match: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUcR-In62Ls

timp’s favorite 2018 Spring Tournament match: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KGtgnnYwHc

Summer 2018 Tournament Details: http://speedgaming.org/alttprsummer/

Fall 2018 Tournament Details: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRG9CZ4IsGqClUNqDIk0nuy_8k6i0VQ5d7qq3ajJmbKhsEjOyoC2Uk0FLEjQJhXQK4_EcpWwzAL7C-k/pub

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