As one of the Top 20 Business Law Podcasts to listen to, call 760-784-9109 or email me from our contact page if you have a question. We’ll answer it on the show!

I'm here with another sidebar and this sidebar is about how to dress for success. That's right. If you are in business, you need to understand how to dress for success.

Actually, you don't even have to be in business for this one, right? This is about your self-image. This really goes deeper than that. How do you feel inside if you're an entrepreneur? I'm going to define you right now. If you're an entrepreneur, you wake up and you're ready to set the world on fire.

My husband is a Marine and they have a saying I love. So when in the morning I ask “How are you doing, honey?” He says, “I wake up pissing excellence!” And that's exactly what you should be doing. So when you wake up, you're ready to set the world on fire. You're going to go out. You're going to make sales. You have a positive attitude, but does all of that count if you don't look the part in today's world?

Also, if you already haven’t, get your FREE copy of my eBook Go Legal Yourself when you get my Go Legal Yourself app from your Apple App Store or Android App Store. Also available now is my latest book “Go Own Yourself” which is available on Amazon from this link.

Contact the Queen of Business Law

Kelly Bagla, Esq.

Go Legal Yourself

One of the Top 20 Business Law Podcasts to listen to.

Email us from our Contact Page
