As one of the Top 20 Business Law Podcasts to listen to, call 760-784-9109 or email me from our contact page if you have a question. We’ll answer it on the show!

Today, I have the pleasure of interviewing Mike Slater. He's a public personality who speaks on American values, an author, and a fellow entrepreneur.

He is the host of “The Mike Slater Show” each weekday on AM 760 in San Diego and "True Story with Mike Slater" on The First TV Network. On his shows, Mike speaks to the Conservative heart by focusing on the five values that most inspire a virtuous life: curiosity, gratitude, hope, zest, and love. Where other talk hosts may use anger, frustration, and hopelessness to talk about current events, Slater tells stories that connect to eternal principles and conservative values.

His passion is to speak for the Pro-Life movement at Pregnancy Resource Center events. Mike loves seeing men engage in the pro-life movement. Mike also speaks at churches about the importance of properly defined masculinity, and the role they are called to play in the pro-life movement.

Mike is the author of How To Change Someone’s Mind and the children's book Imagine Jack and the History Kids.

If you already haven’t, get your FREE copy of my eBook Go Legal Yourself when you get my Go Legal Yourself app from your Apple App Store or Android App Store. Also available now is my latest book “Go Own Yourself” which is available on Amazon from this link.

Contact Mike Slater

Slater Media

Email: [email protected] 

The Mike Slater Show 

Contact the Queen of Business Law

Kelly Bagla, Esq.

Go Legal Yourself

One of the Top 20 Business Law Podcasts to listen to.

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