As one of the Top 20 Business Law Podcasts to listen to, call 760-784-9109 or email me from our contact page if you have a question. We’ll answer it on the show!

My sidebar today is going to be about the first phase of your Business Legal Life Cycle, the Startup Phase.

Here are a few quotes I want to share with you, which I think are so perfect when it comes to explaining what a Startup is.

A business is a lot like jumping out of a plane and assembling the parachute on the way down. The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something.

It's as simple as that. A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something with those ideas NOW, not tomorrow, not next week, but today.

“The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer.” ~ Nolan Bushnell

That really sums up the startup. If you have an idea, why are you waiting?

Also, if you already haven’t, get your FREE copy of my eBook Go Legal Yourself when you get my Go Legal Yourself app from your Apple App Store or Android App Store. Also available now is my latest book “Go Own Yourself” which is available on Amazon from this link.

Contact the Queen of Business Law

Kelly Bagla, Esq.

Go Legal Yourself

One of the Top 20 Business Law Podcasts to listen to.

Email us from our Contact Page
