Call 760-784-9109 or email me from our contact page if you have a question. We’ll answer it on the show! 

Hello everyone:

I'd like to start bringing to you some timely topics. And so we're going to start calling them sidebars, also known as bonus episodes.

So this very first sidebar episode has to do with COVID-19 liability waiver forms, which you can pick up for free off my website.

Please go to We have a complete complimentary free waiver you can download directly from our website. Enter your email address and a COVID-19 liability waiver will be emailed directly to you.

Also, if you already haven’t, get your FREE copy of my eBook Go Legal Yourself when you get my Go Legal Yourself app from your Apple App Store or Android App Store. Also available now is my latest book “Go Own Yourself” which is available on Amazon from this link.

Contact the Queen of Business Law

Kelly Bagla, Esq.

Go Legal Yourself

Email us from our Contact Page
