Fay McLean from faymclean.com is our guest on the #goallin podcast today.
I’m wondering: have you ever spotted a gap in a market? Have you ever seen an opportunity and thought if I plugged that gap I would have more customers than I know what to do with?
Maybe you’ve spotted a gap before but you didn’t commit and you didn’t go all in only to have that as one of your life’s regrets. I actually do know what that feels like all to well. But I try not to live in regrets and chalk it up to hard learned experience but often it still hurts in the pit of my stomach thinking about the lost opportunities that I was too slow to react upon..
I like to say that opportunity comes knocking often but if your not tuned into it or are just not listening then it will pass you by. As you will hear in Fay’s go all in story she spotted a gap in a market, she was listening so she committed and went all in and you know what - it worked!
All of the fear, trepidation and worry about diving in was forgotten when there were more customers than she knew what to do with. And like Fay, that can be you, but you’ve got to be willing to have a go at it and you have to be willing to go all in.
The best part about this story is that Fay did all of this in a country town at the bottom of Western Australia. It was a small town, with a population of less than 20k people and she made it a huge success.
The most important part of the story is that Fay had a plan for all the revenue she earnt in her niche business. Normally the entrepreneur has a plan to make the money and when that starts to come they often make a lot of mistakes. It’s one thing to make it and another thing altogether to keep it and as you will hear Fay and her husband had a sound, rational and sensible plan that set them up nicely.
As you listen into Fay’s go all in story you can help but feel inspired to take a little risk and see if your idea really has some legs in it. And if you’re feeling like that what I would say is give it a go, life is happening to you right now, not in 6-months time or when things improve you have to go all in.
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