As many of you know I am a proud Aussie. I truly think that we live in the luckiest country in the world. You can be do or have anything you want in this great place, and sure it has its faults like anything, but on a whole is still the best place in the world to live.
It's hard not to take it all for granted, and I'm reminded often that this place was built on the backbone of immigration. Our guest today embodies everything it means to go all in and make the most of the Australian opportunity.
Liia came to Australia from Estonia in 2009 with no network, almost no english and no family to help her. Back home before leaving, Liia had earned her master's in teaching and is a passionate and accomplished artist.
She left a promise of media career behind as well as everything else to explore a new country and the opportunities that we have here.
Once the excitement of arriving in a new country had calmed down it became very real very fast and with true grit and determination, like thousands of immigrants before her, she managed to carve out a life, find a career and is moving towards an ever improving future with the opportunities that she continues to create for herself.
After 10-years in Australia she is now a fully fledged Aussie citizen albeit still with the Estonian roots!
Her story is one of commitment, determination and a true go all attitude to make the most of what you have in front of you.