Beer has historically been made with grains (wheat, barley or rye) containing gluten proteins. In recent years, naturally gluten free beer brewed with alternative grains like sorghum, millet and rice has become available in the marketplace.

There is another new category of beer called “gluten-removed;” these beers are made from barley in the traditional brewmaking style, and are not allowed to be labeled "gluten free" in the U.S., although local state laws may differ when the beers are not crossing state lines. Experts caution against celiacs and those with gluten sensitivity drinking these beers, since no scientifically validated testing yet exists which can adequately detect gluten in beverages like fermented beers.  

A new research study conducted by the Gluten Intolerance Group (GIG) shows that beers labeled “gluten-removed” may indeed not be safe for those with celiac disease. A first of its kind pilot study titled, “The Celiac Patient Antibody Response to Conventional and Gluten-Removed Beer,” was published online by the Journal of AOAC International, and was conducted by GIG at the University of Chicago’s Celiac Research Center. 

Two authors of the study, Cynthia Kupper, CEO of the Gluten Intolerance Group and a registered dietitian diagnosed with celiac disease, and Laura Allred, Ph.D. and GIG's Regulatory and Standards Manager, join Jules on the show to discuss the impetus for the study, how the study was conducted, study results and what this means for celiacs and others sensitive to gluten as they search for safe gluten free products.