If you're like most patients who come to me with their 'hormone health' blood work up they had with their GP, you have been told that your thyroid health was normal and often unfortunately dismissed. Something is often missing however- a test for thyroid antibody levels to check for autoimmunity activity. 

If you have had your levels checked and they are 'in range',  heightened above the 'normal', or your health care provider hasn't checked this off yet, you'll want to pull up a seat and listen in. There's likely more to the picture that you're missing.

Thyroid antibodies are often present prior to you experiencing symptoms, and are a result of an underlying inflammatory response in your body. This can lead to various symptoms of mood, energy and sleep disturbances, fertility challenges and pregnancy loss. 

To open up this very topic, I have invited Naturopath, acupuncturist, Conception Queen and all round women's health expert, Miranda Myles for a podcast chat. 

What We Cover: The role of the thyroid in fertility and overall wellness. The different types of thyroid imbalances that can cause issues. The acceptable level of thyroid antibody activity and optimal reference ranges.  Whats happening in the body with raised thyroid antibodies. The potential causes of autoimmunity of the thyroid. Research backed effective therapies that can help reverse antibodies. Plus more! Podcast Shownotes & Further Support:

PODCAST SHOWNOTES: https://www.glowingmumma.com/blog/episode83 


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